Ajay Devgn is set to collaborate with director Jagan Shakti for the first time in an exciting jungle adventure film, titled Ranger. The film, produced by Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, is expected to go into production by Summer 2025. As Devgn nears the completion of De De Pyaar De 2, the team behind Ranger is already in full prep mode.
Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgn in Jagan Shakti’s next
According to Pinvilla Sanjay Dutt will play the antagonist in the film, marking a major development in the project. The film will see Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt face off in a never-before-seen larger-than-life showdown. The villainous role was a perfect fit for Dutt, thanks to the formidable presence he carries in real life. The script naturally led to this casting decision. Set against the backdrop of lush forests, the film will feature Ajay Devgn as a forest ranger. Both Devgn and Dutt will undergo special looks for their roles, bringing a visual spectacle to the screen.
Reports shared with Pinkvilla stated, “It’s a casting that has come out naturally from the script, as the villain of Ranger has an aura that Sanjay Dutt carries in real life.” The source also revealed that Ranger is being mounted on a massive scale, with Jagan Shakti working closely with top VFX companies to recreate the jungle and its animals in stunning detail.
More about the film Ranger
Pre-production for Ranger is already in progress, and the film is expected to be a massive cinematic experience. After completing his commitments to De De Pyaar De 2, Dhamaal 4, and Raid 2, Ajay Devgn will dive into this new project. The filmmakers are also in the process of casting a strong ensemble to complement the lead roles, ensuring a dynamic and action-packed narrative.